
Interested in selling Elite Athletic Gear products? 

Please email info@eliteathleticgear.com to get set up with a wholesale account. 

Include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Business name
  • Business location
  • Business website
  • Where you would be reselling (retail store, website, tournaments, etc.)

Benefits of Retailing Elite Athletic Gear products:

  • Well known brand recognition
  • Durable and high quality products consumers rave about
  • Low minimum orders
  • Competitive prices for maximum margins
  • Mix and match designs and sizes
  • Superior customer and sales support
  • Fast shipping from Bradenton, FL (Orders ship within 1-2 business days)

Shopify Collective

If your eCommerce store is hosted on Shopify then you can directly integrate our product catalogue to your site to start selling our products without having to purchase any inventory. Any orders placed on your website will automatically get sent to us to fulfill. If you'd like to explore you can request an invite to our shop by clicking, here.